Activate your desktop license and maintenance plan
Before downloading Trimble Ag Desktop software included with any Farmer plan, start by visiting our secure website to activate your desktop license and maintenance plan. From the Marketplace within your online account, you can also manage your account profile and purchases, all through a single, secure Trimble ID email address. Use this email address and password whenever your sign into Trimble Ag Software online or on the mobile app, or when downloading the desktop software.
- Visit our secure website at (tip: bookmark this page)
- Click the LOGIN button (top right)
- Enter or set up your Trimble ID (email address and password)
- Click Sign In to launch the Farmer Starter free trial in your web browser (tip: trial accounts display Upgrade on the top right corner of the screen)
- Accept the Terms and Conditions for using our software
- At the prompt, enter your initial settings (organization name, country, currency and preferred units of measure)
- Take a note of your organization name and associated email address (also known as your purchasing organization), as these credentials will be required when you install Trimble Ag Desktop
- At the next prompt, set up your crop year
- Click the Farm tab on the top menu and select Profile to add contact information for your account (email address is recommended; country is required)
- From the Farm menu, select Marketplace to purchase an upgrade from the free trial to your preferred annual Farmer plan license, as outlined below:
- Farmer Basic – includes one license for the desktop, along with limited features in the online account and mobile app that can be accessed online or on any iOS or Android mobile device by your entire team, without wireless vehicle connectivity and with no access to updates and technical support
- Add the optional Annual Software Maintenance Plan when purchasing Farmer Basic, for access to both the latest desktop software updates and technical support
- Farmer Pro or Farmer Pro Plus – each includes one license for the desktop along with the full range of online and mobile app features and select add-ons, that can be accessed online or on any iOS or Android mobile device by your entire team, as well as wireless vehicle connectivity, and free access to all software updates and technical support
- Note: the Farmer Starter free trial is not visible in the online Marketplace, and includes one license for a free trial of the desktop with limited access to online and mobile app features, and no access to software updates or technical support. If you prefer to continue installing Trimble Ag Desktop without purchasing a Farmer plan, watch for a welcome message from our sales team who can help with any questions while you try it out.
- Farmer Basic – includes one license for the desktop, along with limited features in the online account and mobile app that can be accessed online or on any iOS or Android mobile device by your entire team, without wireless vehicle connectivity and with no access to updates and technical support
- Click Add to select an item (or click More Info to see details)
- In the pop-up message, click Yes to proceed to checkout (or click No to continue adding items to your shopping cart)
- Review your shopping cart with the option to click the trash
icon to delete items (or click the Marketplace tab to continue adding items)
- Click Proceed to Checkout and follow the prompts to complete your credit card purchase, with the option to choose your reseller from the list
- View your Marketplace purchase on the Current Licenses tab
- Click the Billing tab to manage your secure account profile, address book, order history and credit card numbers
- Watch for an email confirmation from Customer Support <> (check your junk/spam folder), including a link to download your purchase receipt
At any time, click the help icon (top right) in the online account for assistance with setting up your account (learn more about in-app help).
Next, download and install Trimble Ag Desktop software.